This is a good beginners beer for those just starting out and beginning to take an interest in beer drinking. It is a sweet beer with a little white head. A weak aroma caramel accompanies this brew. There is a mild hoppiness mixed with a light caramel in this beer but not a lot of after taste. The good thing about this beer is it is best chilled but not cold. a little warmth brings the flavor right out so a new drinker can enjoy this beer for quite some time and still get full flavor out of it. Like most beers this is best on tap.
The Christian Pint Rating: 3.25 out of 5
Commercial Description:Rich amber color and a thick, creamy head. Introduced into the U.S. in 1981. Gold medalist (amber lager) at 1998 World Beer Cup.
As always remember do not become drunk on wine (beer) but be filled with the Holy Spirit, and do not cause your brother to stumble. (Ephesians 5, Romans 14, 1 Corinthians 8)
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. - The Apostle Paul
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