Monday, April 14, 2008

Beer Review Monday - Pilsner Urquell

This fine Monday we have a delectable treat for you, the very reason that the Pilsner, drinking glass, was invented. I give you the Pilsner Urquell. This is a Czech beer which resembles a lager and in fact most lagers in the world are based upon this beer. This unfortunately includes most major American beers though they serverely lack the quality of Pilsner Urquell. It pours a pale golden color with a thin but fluffy white head. It is consistently carbonated with a smooth, dry, malty taste. It is mild in the hops category, with only a slight bitterness in the end. A mild aroma with little skunk completes this beer. If at all possible acquire this brew on tap or in the can as it otherwise comes in green bottles which can destroy the flavor.

The Christian Pint Rating: 3.25 out of 5

Commercial Description:
It is called the "model of meter" among beers. All other pilsners are a better or worse attempt to copy the original - the first ever Pilsner Urquell. Its unparalleled exceptionally is guaranteed by the same recipe dating from 1842.

As always remember do not become drunk on wine (beer) but be filled with the Holy Spirit, and do not cause your brother to stumble. (Ephesians 5, Romans 14, 1 Corinthians 8)


The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. - The Apostle Paul